More miracles are happening. Yesterday was the baptism of Rafael. We had originally planned it for Saturday, but a huge rainstorm hit and the power went out in all of Samayac and San Pablo. Without electricity we couldn't fill up the baptismal font because it pulls water from a tank. The good thing is that he was still animated for his baptism. We are really excited for him. He has lots of potential, especially in the ward. There are plenty of callings open for him so that he can start serving immediately.
As far as health goes, i'm feeling a lot better. I'm almost done with my treatment. Soon i'm going to start taking probiotic supplements to help balance my digestive system again. Wish me luck!
Right now our new focus as a mission is working with less-active members and partial-member families. We had a multi-zone conference with Presidente and Hermana Goodman where they explained some new methods that will help us use our time effectively and baptize more converts. It's gonna be kind of differnt working this way now because we are only going to contact two hours a day. One hour starting at 10 in the morning, and another hour in the afternoon. The remainder of our time is going to be spent visiting less-actives that have non-members living with or close to them. We'll see how it goes!
The pills that i've been taking. Almost done!
The rain has come
Baptism of Mario Rafael Hernandez Saquic
Hope you all have a wonderful week. How time flies! Jesus te ama.
Elder Taylor
P.S. A birthday shoutout to my cousin, Sister Bradshaw, in London. I'm sure the Saviour is chuffed with all your hard work! Happy Birthday! (I hope I used that British vocabulary correctly and didn't just say something really bad..haha) 
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