Hope you all had a fantastic week. This week has been pretty normal. This week are the transfers and my companion and I are both staying in Samayac. I'm going to finish my mission here. This will be my last transfer (6 weeks) and then i'll be on my way to the USA. It's time to baptize EVERYONE. As of now, we are working a lot with the less-actives with hopes that they feel the need to go back to church.
On Saturday, we went on a search for a less-active member named Amarilis. We found her in her daughter's house and we learned that she is one of the first members of the Church in Samayac. She was baptized like 25 years ago, and went completely inactive 5 years ago after a minor conflict arose with some other members. As we were teaching her,she mentioned to us that she had been thinking of going back to church, but that she just wasn't feeling in the mood to go. We taught her about the importance of obeying the Lord's commandments, and especially the importance of attending church on Sunday to remember Christ's sacrifice for us. Then, out of the nothing, her daughter started bearing her testimony and telling u s about how she gained her Personal Progress Medallion in the Young Women's program and about how she read the Book of Mormon completely and how much that had strengthened her testimony. She told us about how much the Gospel has expanded her knowledge about her purpose in this life and how it has taught her to be a better person. Then she told us, 'Don't worry, Elders. We will be there tomorrow.' We didn't even need to ask again, because she confirmed it 3 times after.
As we entered the chapel on Sunday, we were excited to see this family arrive at church because it is the first time that they have attended in over 5 years. When we saw them step out of a tuc-tuc (mototaxi) we were so happy! When we saw them walk into the chapel, the bishop was even happier than we were! At the end of sacrament meeting, a TON of members went to talk with Amarilis and her daughter and made them feel very welcomed. At the end of the reunions, I handed a pamphlet to Amarilis titled 'Families and Temples' and she said to me after, I want to go to the temple.' Amazing to see the difference that one visit can make.
I'm learning a lot more about the importance of working with less-active members. I used to hate visiting inactive members because it always seemed like we would spend so much time visiting them and that they would never budge. Recently, the Lord has definitley taught me to have patience. Everyone has needs, including the members. I hope with what I've learned I can apply the concepts and the strategies at home.
Sorry for no pictures this week. I kind of forgot to take out my camera... 
But have an awesome week everyone! Do your home teaching and visiting teaching! Jesus te ama!
Elder Taylor

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