Wow, I cannot even believe how fast these weeks are flying by. To think that this is all coming to its finale is hard to even comprehend! Still so grateful that the Lord constantly keeps blessing us with miracles in this precious time.
This past weekend was stake conference in the Mazatenango stake. We were able to bring Rafael to the priesthood session in the evening. We were pleased to see Elder Maravilla, an area seventy and previous mission president of the Guatemala Retalhulelu Mission, presiding the meeting. The messages were given were focused on how the Melchizedek Priesthood Holders can exercisie their priesthood more worthily and frequently. It was a great session.
The Sunday conference was split into two different sessions for the number of members in this stake. There are too many to fit in the stake center. We attended the morning session at 8 a.m. and we had previously invited one of our investigators, Carlos. We had previously done a tour of the church building in Samayac with this investigator. He accompanied us to the meeting and really enjoyed a talk given by Elder Maravilla about Family Home Evening. The second session started at 10:30 a.m., which gave us just enough time to get back to Samayac and accompany our other investigators, Rosa and Gabino. They are a young couple with a 2-year-old boy. They came with us to the later session and got to meet our mission president. Overall, the conference was awesome. We had investigators in both of the Sunday reunions and we feel that they are going to keep progressing.
Today for P-Day we went to a park in San Francisco Zapotitlan and played soccern and kickball. After that we went to Burger King in Mazate. Apart from that, we have had a pretty basic day.
I started reading the Book of Mormon in English a little while ago and I'm at 3 Nephi 7. The course I was taking to read the Book of Mormon was to read 4 pages a day to finish right before I go home. I've read a little quicker than that, so I think i'll be done before then. I love the Book of Mormon. I think I learn more every time I read it word for word. I know that it's true, and cannot deny of its divinity. My invitation to the whole world is to read the Book of Mormon, and pray with all the strength of the heart to confirm its veracity. It is the word of God.
The Burger Kings: Elder Zavala, Elder Tagg, Elder Taylor, Elder Hastings, Elder Russel, and Elder Gallagher. (Left to Right)
Have a wonderful day, and a wonderful week! See y'all soon. Jesus te ama!
Elder Taylor

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