This week has been super busy. We are exhausted, but taking advantage of the time we have left. We have been visiting constantly with our investigator Rafael. Good news! He accepted a baptismal date for this Saturday (6 May). We are so happy for him. We know he is going to be a great example to many people and that he has been prepared by the Lord.
As far as my illness, I have been doing a litte bit better. I have to take SO many pills! I'm on like day 9 of 20 days; and I have to take 2 pills three times a day. Fun. But no worries. I am feeling a lot better than before. I honestly don't know what could have caused the sickness, but I guess i'm going to be extra careful now. From what I've heard, it isn't unusual for missionaries to get sick in Samayac, so hopefully I don't get sick again. 
Today as a zone, we went to the waterfall in Zunilito. This is my third time going but it was still a good time. They cleared the other side of the river so that people could cross to the other side so I was able to take a better picture of the waterfall today. It was packed with people since today is Dia de los Trabajadores here in Guatemala (Day of the Worker/Labor Day).
At Rafael's house the night he accepted his baptismal date.
Hope you all have a great week! Jesus te ama!
Elder Taylor

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