Elder Taylor

Monday, October 10, 2016

Black & White


This week was great! We are seeing lots of fruit in our area and the Lord is constantly blessing our investigators and the members. I have learned so much from serving in this area and the branch of La Maquina. I don't know how i'll feel when I have to leave. It may be sooner than I was hoping, but I guess we'll see what the Lord says. 

We had lots of lessons with members this past week, so that was good. Our rhythm of work overall was really good this week. we taught lots of lessons and found a total of 18 new investigators. Things are going really smoothly. Yesterday, we had 8 investigators in church. That's a miracle in La Maquina! Our familia de oro (Famila Perez) came and is as awesome as ever, and another brother we are teaching arrived. Priesthood!!!

I also remembered to take a picture of our familia de oro so here I will attach it:

Ricardo (father), Ricardo II (orange shirt), Gerson, Wendy, and Sandra (mother) + their kitten on the table. If you are wondering, we were drinking limeade from the limes in their front yard. They make really, REALLY good limeade. They always give us tons of limes to take home too. They are such a great family!

Today as a zone, we went to a waterfall in Zunilito. This is the same waterfall I went to last year as well. This time my comp and I just went in our missionary clothes and just watched. It was kind of cold and we didn't feel like bringing a change of clothes with us. 

''Prohibido Pasar'' means ''Do Not Pass''. Don't worry though, one of the other missionaries actually just turned the sign in the other direction so I really didn't break any rules 😏

Zone Leader, and groupie Elder Salazar (Peru)

Someday I'm going to look at this picture and say, ''I was so cool back then''. 


                             After the waterfall, we went to Wendy's and I got a mini Frosty.

                            And, that is all I have for now but I hope you all have a wonderful week!

                            Presidente Taylor

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