Well this week has been a busy one! Part of my job as secretary is to send missionaries who need to do paperwork for visas or doctor´s visits to Guatemala City. I´ve had to do this three times this weekend, so things have been stressful. Transfers also happen this week so on top of all the normal office work, I´ve had to prepare things for the new missionaries coming to the mission and the missionaries that are going home.
I put a couple of pictures I took of my new companion, Elder Wilcox, and the Assistant to President, Elder Gosain, who is being relieved of his missionary work this Wednesday (he´s the sad one; the same one who was taped to the cot in last week´s picture).
Last Saturday, Presidente asked us to attend the Priesthood Session of the Stake Conference here. The special guest of that session was Elder Maravilla, a Seventy. He was the mission president of the Guatemala Retalhuleu Mission before Presidente Ruiz. He spoke about our role as priesthood holders. He started by telling the priesthood body, ¨Anyone who has given a priesthood blessing to their wife today, please stand up.¨ Nobody stood up. Then he continued,¨Those who gave a priesthood blessing to one of their children, or family member today, please stand up.¨ Only a couple of people stood up. He continued again, ¨Anyone who has given a blessing today at all, please stand up.¨ The object of his talk was to help us reflect on how often we are exercising our priesthood. It made everyone meditate the importance of using the Priesthood as a husband and father, and I´m really happy to have been able to have gotten something out of the talk that will help me be a better priesthood holder in the future. The meeting was very spiritual.
That´s it for this week. Hope you all have another great week!
Elder Taylor

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