Hey everyone!
This week has been awesome. We have some progressing investigators, lots of work in the office, and we are seeing lots of miracles!
Since we reached our goal of 200+++ baptisms in January, as a mission we set a goal for 300+++ in March. The whole mission is as excited as ever and we are totally going to meet the goal. The office is especially pumped up now as well. We had some area changes just within the office and we hope that these changes are going to help us become more fruitful as a district. SOMOS UNA MISION DE 300 is our new little slogan for these next two months (We are a mission of 300). We have been fasting every Wednesday as a mission and our testmionies of the law of the fast have been strenghtened. We have seen all the miracles, so we are putting all of our faith in the Lord so that we can save 100 additional souls in March.
Another cool thing that happened this week was my birthday. I just gotta say that I don´t feel like a 19-year-old. I kind of liked telling people here that I was only 18 and seeing the surprised expressions. Presidente and Hermana Ruiz were very very kind to us this week. They bought a cheesecake (which was so good!), brought the office out to dinner, and bought me cake at dinner as well. In conclusion, my birthday was pretty great.
I´ve also had some opportunites to get out of the office and visit some of the missionaries in the field for some projects we are doing in the office. It´s nice to see the missionaries in the field after being in the office day after day. The office definitely has its perks, but it also gets pretty stale after a while.
elders in picture are: Elder Caniviri from Peru and Elder Adams from Arizona
That´s all I have for today. Hope everyone has the best week ever!
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