Hola Everyone!
What a wonderful General Conference! I think that the messages that were shared were truly inspired. We were so blessed to have 4 investigators accompany us to the conference, and a 5th arrive by invitation of a member. I love that the Plan of Salvation was emphasized so much in this conference, especially since that is what my companion and I have been studying together this week. There is always something new to be learned when it comes to the Plan of Salvation and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. In the Sunday
I think one of my favorite talks given in the whole conference was the message given by Joachin E. Costa. on Sunday afternoon. I loved his conversion story and the challenge that he extended to all investigators, to repent and to be baptized. I'm so glad that we had an investigator present during that session!
Right now, the 4 people that we have been visiting that attended church are all from the San Antonio area. Two of them are brothers named Jaeson (13) and Anderson (11). They are nephews of a member of the ward. They also have an older brother named Yurbin (14), but he didn't attend the conference with us :(.
Another investigator that attended is a guy named Emilio. He is from the Oriente (East) of Guatemala, but is living with his family in San Antonio and currently is looking for work to be able to stay and study in a local university. We are praying that he finds a job because he said that if he doesn't find a job, he is going to return to his house in Jalapa. He has already attended church various times and now is waiting for an answer to his prayers. We have lots of hope for him.
The 4th investigator that attended with us was a huge miracle. Her name is Gia, and she's AMERICAN. She's here in San Antonio with the Peace Corps of the United States and she works with kids in the local schools. She's from Tennessee and is super cool! The first time we met her, it was at a bus stop and she was on her way to Quetzaltenango. We didn't have much time to visit with her because the bus came right as we got there, so we were only able to give her a pass-along card with our number on it. This last week, we ran into her again and found out that she has become friend of the same member that is family with Emilio! We invited her to the General Conference in Chamac and she accompanied us Sunday morning! We were able to share a Book of Mormon with her (thank heavens we had a few copies in English). We are going to have a follow-up visit with her this week. She is a Seventh-Day Adventist, but she said that she would like to learn a little bit more about the Mormons
Elder Cook (Arizona), Elder Taylor, Hermana Morales (Mexico), Hermana Chavez (El Salvador), Elder Contreras (Honduras), Elder Medina (Panama). The missionaries of the San Pedro Guatemala Stake.
2 Nephi 31:11
And the Father said: Repent ye, repent ye, and be baptized in the name of my Beloved Son.
Have a wonderful week! Jesus te ama!
Elder Taylor

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