Hola Everyone!
Well, definitely the highlight of this week is that we could have such a special opportunity to meet, greet, and listen to Elder Rasband of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. He told us about his experience in being called to be an apostol and how he still hasn't stopped trembling from the shock that he had when President Monson interviewed him. I felt super impressed by his humility and courtesy towards the missionaries. It's true when they say that we are companions in the same work.
One of the most interesting experiences that he spoke to us about was during his travels in Nicaragua. Elder Rasband, along with other general authorities of the Church had the opportunity to speak with the president of Nicaragua, President Ortega, and his wife who is the vice president. President Ortega asked lots of questions about how they could create peace between the people of Nicaragua and be a prosperous country. Elder Rasband started teaching Lesson 1: The Restoration. He spoke to them of the trials that the first Latter-day Saints faced when many mobs and government officials of the United States persecuted the saints. President Ortega then asked,¨Well, why were the saints persecuted so much?¨ Elder Rasband then explained the First Vision given to Joseph Smith, and that many people in that time couldn't believe that a 14-year-old boy had seen and spoken to God. President Ortega then asked, ¨Why couldn't they believe that?¨ Elder Rasband shared the following scripture with us from Doctrine and Covenants 1:23:
23 That the fulness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world, and before kings and rulers.
I couldn't help but to think of all the missionaries of the Book of Mormon that also spoke with rulers of the ancient lands of the Book of Mormon. Especially the stories of King Lamoni and King Limhi. These were kings that, after listening to the missionaries, were able to receive a testimony that they were really messengers of God. One of the most notable things that Elder Rasband told us from this special discussion, is that President Ortega told them that he believed that they were messengers sent from God. Elder Rasband explained to us that he had never imagined that he would ever have the experience of sharing the gospel with a ruler like Doctrine and Covenants states. He, being weak, being the son of a truck-driver, and living a very simple life, one day was able to travel abroad and proclaim the the fulness of the gospel before a ruler.
Sometimes I consider myself to be one of the most 'simple' of missionaries, but I love this story and the scripture that goes along with it. I have felt so strengthened to know that even the weakest and the simplest of missionaries can proclaim the gospel to the great, even kings and rulers.
There's a lot more that I could write about but my time is running out so I think i'll leave it at that. I filled a bunch of pages in my study notebook so that I could re-live the talks that were given to us. It is such a blessing to hear a special witness of Jesus Christ share a message that is personally directed to you. I can't wait for general conference in April!
Hope you all have a wonderful week! Jesus Christ knows you and loves you.
Elder Taylor
P.S. Attached is a video of our whole entire mission in one room together (never happens). Something super special!

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