Elder Taylor

Monday, December 26, 2016

Wise Men Still Seek Him

Hola Everyone and Feliz Navidad! 🎄

It's so weird that I've already passed 2 Christmases in the mission. Time passes so quickly, it's crazy! 

Last Monday we did our big service project in the park. The relief society of one of the wards made a hot drink to share with the people of the park and we got to work contacting strangers. We had speakers and a screen and showed the Christmas videos of #lluminaElMundo and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It was super successful. We found so many people! We pray we will see lots of fruits in January from this activity. 

This week was great because Julio got baptized. He is the first convert-baptism that Chamac has had in like 2 years. Curse broken! A lot of people showed up for the baptism and right after we had a Christmas Devotional with the ward. 
Double Rainbow in Chamac! 🌈

                                                            Our Kiosk in the park

Ilumina el Mundo

Julio's baptism. + 8 Elders. (In order: Elder Alfaro, Mex; Elder Preciado, Mex; Elder Smith, UT; Hermano Rene; Hermano Julio; Elder Cancino, Mex; Elder Adams, AZ; Elder Hernández, Mex; and Me. Below: Elder Sanchez, Nicaragua)

A Guatemalan Tamale. 
This CHRISTmas season has truly been one of reflection and meditation. It is so easy to get distracted fromt the true meaning of the season; Even for us missionaries. I pondered this a lot when one day in our old house in San Pedro, the Jehovah's Witnesses left invitations at the doors of everyone's house in the neighborhood to a conference that they were going to have, and on the front of the invitation was a picture of Jesus. I found it very interesting when we got to our house in Chamac that almost DAILY, someone would leave pure advertisments and magazines from local electronics stores under our door. It made me reflect a lot. How quickly the world tries to change the meaning of Christmas, from a season of Christ-like love and service to a season of total commercialism. Even though the JW's don't celebrate Christmas, I appreciate their invitation to remember Jesus Christ in this season. The same invitation I extend to each of you, although the season comes to an end. We should always remember our savior Jesus Christ and the everlasting love of our Heavenly Father for sending him to this world. He is the reason for the season, and 'Wise Men Still Seek Him.'

Hope your Christmas was as wonderful as mine, and may the tender mercies of the Lord be with you all in this special season!

Elder Taylor

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