First of all, Shoutout to my older sister, Veronica for having another baby girl. We love babies!
Wow, this week was a rough one! Definitely set to the hardest level
, but regardless, what a great week in the mission! The biggest news I think, is that we sent out our future missionary to the CCM. Mauro (or now Elder Barrios) entered the Guatemala MTC on Wednesday. I'm really happy that I got to see his progress in these past few months.
The funny thing is that you would probably think that he is from the states and that I am from Guatemala just because of our skin tones |
The bright side, is that we went to visit our Familia de Oro (Familia Perez), the one that had been waiting for missionaries for 2 years, and they are learning very quickly! The sons already memorized all of the organizations in the Aaronic Priesthood and the whole family knows the 5 principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Endure to the End). We asked them lots of questions yesterday, and they answered all of them! The parents even started reading a Liahona magazine that we left them. The father of the family, Ricardo, commented to us yesterday: 'I noticed that all of these Evangelical churches, are just churches made by men, but your church, was made by Jesus Christ, and you guys have a prophet and apostles like Jesus Christ did.' We were so happy to hear this comment yesterday. As we finished the lesson, the daughter Wendy (15) said the prayer. Her prayer was awesome! She asked for God to help her be baptized in the chruch and to stay firm in the gospel afterwards. I don't think I've ever taught a family that was so prepared. We are going to be working extra hard with this family these next few weeks so that they can get their 3 attendances in church, and get married so that they can get baptized in October.
Thank you for your constant prayers! The missionaries are receving the blessings of your faith in us.
Also, shoutouts to Elder Kahl for making this awesome masterpiece in the mission office. Reu will miss you Elder!
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