I'm just going to say sorry in advance because I didn't take any pictures this week! Oops. Sometimes we just get too caught up in being missionaries
Woo! 4 months in La Maquina! This week was rough, but better than last week. We visited a lot of people and many of our investigators are progressing. Our familia de oro is doing great. They invited us to eat lunch with them on Friday and we got to talk a little bit more with them about some of the church functions. The wife (Sandra) said such a great prayer after. This family has so many desires to serve the Lord in his true church. Ricardo is constantly talking to us about how he wants to find the true church of Jesus Christ. Well, I think the whole family received a lot of answers yesterday when they came to church. After the whole meeting, Ricardo told me that he would like to start getting serious with the church. Right now, the family is super ready for baptism. The only things holding us back now are 2 more attendances to sacrament meeting, and the marriage. We hope that there wont be any complications with the marriage process seeing as how Ricardo was married before, his first wife passed away, and her death was never registered in the government's database. Ricardo still appears married to the other woman, which makes it so he can't be married to his current partner Sandra. We ask for your prayers so that we can find a simple solution to this problem so that they can get married, and baptized.
President Goodman came to visit us this week in La Maquina. He wants there to be a member branch president as soon as possible. I need to be the last misisonary branch president here in La Maquina. He talked a lot about how there are really no possibilites in the branch right now and that the reality is, is that we are going to have to baptize the next branch president. Maybe it is no coincidence that we met Ricardo and his family at this time. Pres. Goodman said that if everything turns out well and the Perez family gets baptized, Ricardo could be branch president within a few months. Please pray for the Perez family!!
Yesterday, we also had some suprise investigators in church. A couple came into sacrament meeting a few minutes after we started and just sat right down. They listened to all of the messages and stayed the whole 3 hours! After, the husband, Victor, told us how much he enjoyed church and that he wants to come to General Conference this weekend. He even said that he would come early to get a good seat (there will definitely be no issue there
We were also expecting the family of a single father (Ambrocio) who told us that he would for sure attend church with us. When he didn't arrive, we decided to visit him after church. When we got to his house, he was just leaving because he had to run an errand. He told us that in the morning, he had gotten ready and came to church, but when he saw that he had arrived late and that everyone was already inside, he felt bad and went back home. We were so sad to hear that! It's frustrating how much Satan attacks our brothers and sisters, even at the doors of the chapel. We pray that next week, he will be able to listen to the conference with his son and daughter.
Although we may be seeing more challenges in our area, the Lord is blessing us with more miracles. I can suffer the trials if other people get to see the blessings. This isn't just a good turn daily, it is the work of salvation. I know it is true and I know that we - the missionaries - have been called by a Prophet who has been called and inspired by God. May we enjoy his counsels in this autumn general conference.
Have an amazing week!
Presidente Taylor