This week was pretty ordinary. As always, the major topic was general conference. We were so blessed to have had 3 investigators at general conference. Their names are Margarita, Nancy, and Alex. Margarita is the mother of Nancy and Alex. We started teaching them about two weeks ago and the conference was their first time ever attending church. Margarita and Nancy liked it so much that they accepted a baptismal date for the 16th of this month! We just need to keep visiting and teaching them so that they are prepared for their date. That was the highlight of this week.
We are so blessed by our Heavenly Father to have a living prophet and 12 apostles who love us and guide us along the straight and narrow path. As months and years pass, we see that the world is fighting against The Church of Jesus Christ continuously. What a firm testimony that this is the true church of Jesus Christ. The only church with a living prophet who receives direct revelation from God, the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, living-ordinances and covenants, and refuge from the storm. Thanks to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, every child of God has access to their divine potential.
Hope you all have a wonderful week!
Elder Taylor

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