Elder Taylor

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Still Here!

Hola Everyone!

Sorry for not writing last week. As usual, the excuse will be that we have been super duper busy in the office. :) 

First of all, I´d just like to give a shout out to my cousin Lauren and congratulate her on her mission call to London! I know she´s gonna be a great missionary, and that London is lucky!
Jugando (playing) gocha with Elder Lopez from Guatemala
Anyways, last week for P-Day, there were emergency transfers and we got way caught up in office work, so the only person I wrote was my mom, to let her know I was okay. I was gonna try to find time during the week to write, but I ended up just waiting till today. 
Paca shopping
Today we spent most of the day cleaning the house, doing laundry, getting haircuts, paca shopping, and mostly just errands. I´m really glad we finally had a normal P-day. One drawback of being in the office is how quickly we fall behind on chores because we are in the office so much. 
Hermana Chajchalac (Guatemala), Hermana Hernandez (Mexico), y mi compañero Elder Wilcox (California)
With Elder Cano de Honduras.
As far as the area, things are a bit difficult. We share our ward with a companionship of sister missionaries, Hermana Hernandez (Mexico) and Hermana Chajchalac (Guatemala). It´s awesome sharing an area and ward with them, and they support us and help us out a bunch. The biggest struggle we are seeing right now is that the area is really really small and that everyone is Catholic. It is especially difficult contacting during Easter time (Pascua/Semana Santa) here in Guatemala because the Catholic church does public displays and parades almost every day. 
Hermana Galland de California
This week we are going to have lots of activities in the ward since Ward Conference is coming up on Sunday. We got assigned to be in charge of Wednesday´s activity, so we´ve been planning some fun stuff to do. Hopefully everything turns out well and that we can animate the members to help us out with some more referrals. 

Anyways, hope you all have an amazing week! 

Elder John M Taylor

Guatemala Retalhuleu Mission
El cielo en Retalhuleu

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