This week was a really special one. I´m not sure if I mentioned this before, but I began visiting a lady named Tatiana back with my old Zone Leader. She was living with her husband but they weren´t married. The husband is already a member of the church, and he had been waiting for her for a long time to go to church. When I first visited her, she was very nice. She let us sit down and teach a lesson to her. However, we could tell that she didn´t really like what we were teaching her, as she was Catholic. One time, we were able to find her when her husband was home and we commited her to go to church on Sunday. At that point she decided that she wanted to go to the ward that starts at 8 in the morning, which is a different ward than our assigned ward. After a few weeks of visits from the sister missionaries of the other ward, she and her husband made the choice to get married, and she accepted the challenge to be baptized in the church. It is amazing the change that we have seen in her. The day of her baptism she bore a wonderful testimony about the gospel of Jesus Christ and how grateful she was to be a part of it.
On Friday, us missionaries helped with the wedding. It was very modest, but everyone was really happy for Tatiana and her husband. On Saturday, I was able to go to Tatiana´s baptism. I attached a picture of Tatiana and her family on the day of her baptism (Notice how happy she is). It is such a great feeling to see the happiness in an individual´s life when they find the answer to all of life´s questions. Up to this point, all of the people that have gotten baptized, that I have taught, are families or partial families. The mission has helped me see the strength and blessings of the family. Heavenly Father truly loves families, and I testify of this.
Hopefully you all had a wonderful week, this week was pretty great for us here in Misión Retalhuleu.
Have a blessed week!