This will be really short because there hasn´t been too much going on this week. Things are great here in Retalhuleu. Plenty of work in the office and meeting lots of new people. Today we cleaned our house. There´s still lots to do but for now, I´m happy because we cleaned our kitchen and replaced some light bulbs (the little things make everything better).
I´m starting to get the hang of all the things I will be responsible for as Executive Secretary of the mission. I´m finally starting to feel somewhat of a routine, which is nice. Elder Perez is letting me do more and I´m learning more as well, so I´m feeling better about this position. I was honestly a little worried at the beginning, since I am so young in the mission and am still not the greatest at Spanish, but I think I´ll be okay.
Here´s a funny experience though:
This week I had to call the parents of a missionary who is going to be picked up from her mission when she finishes. This is the first time I have talked to a person from the United States that speaks English (besides Skyping home). The first time I called, a girl answered the phone and I said, "Hi, is Hermana (name) there?" The girl on the phone was very quick to respond, "No, she is not here." Then I said back, "Oh sorry, I mean SISTER (name). Clearly giggling over the phone, she then told me her mom would be home in 10 minutes and that I should call back then.
10 minutes later, I called the family again. This time, the mom answered the phone and we greeted each other. Then I said, "Well, first of all, we just wanted to see how your family is doing...(awkward pause).. so how are you doing?" and then followed a 10 minute conversation in very broken English. I can´t begin to explain how weird it was to speak English over the phone. I am so used to Spanish phrases, and sometimes those phrases don´t translate well, or don´t exist in English. The office is nice because we all can speak Spanglish to each other and everyone understands. The office is teaching me humility.
Well, I hope everyone had a good week, and that this week is just as great, or better!
And here´s a thumbs up for the office 
Elder Taylor
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